Wednesday June 6, 2012 proved to be a turning point for Will! When we went to the NICU to see him, we noticed that he didn't have his CPAP on anymore! I was so happy that tears came rushing to my eyes. I could actually see my baby's face! He was now on High Flow Nasal Cannula, but it didn't cover his entire head and face. He was still receiving nutrition through his IV, but he was also receiving some milk through the tube in his mouth. Brandon and I were able to take his temperature, change his diaper, clean out his mouth and reposition him. While this may not seem like a lot and like a big step, for us, it meant the world!
Later on Wednesday, Will was moved to a new room where he had a window to the outside world. Once his cover is able to come off the incubator, he will be able to see some sunlight. It was also on this night that I was able to hold my sweet baby for the first time. Even now, as I write this, the thought of holding him makes me smile with tears in my eyes. Although, it didn't last long it was the most amazing experience of my life!!!
Our first family picture. Brandon is holding a syringe that contains the feeding going through Will's feeding tube.
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