Brandon celebrated his first Father's Day with a present from Will. Will gave him a nice set of grilling tools. We were so excited to celebrate Father's Day when we got to the hospital, but Will had other ideas. Will was still having problems keeping his oxygen saturations up and he was still breathing really fast. We spoke with the nurse practitioner and she ordered a chest xray and some labs. Will did not like his chest xray, but he didn't cry for his labs. I held his hand and one of his legs so he would stop kicking the nurse and he was so content with me next to him.
We went back to the hospital tonight for one more visit. Will's weight tonight was 3 pounds 10 ounces! Will gained another 2 ounces! I was able to hold Will and snuggle with him, but we weren't able to rpactice breastfeeding due to the amount of oxygen he is on with the high flow. When I was holding Will, he was rooting around looking for his food and he was very interested in sucking on his pacifier. These are great signs for when he is off his high flow and ready to feed by mouth.
Maria - I love your blog, I check it EVERYday. Itty Bitty from Salt Lake City (which I LOVE) is in our thoughts and prayers. The pics are great, please keep them coming. I especially like the middle one in this blog. It looks like he's taking a peek at the world.
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