This morning I woke up at 6am (yes, I am waking up every 3 hours and the baby isn't even home yet) and I was thinking about Will's name. We picked William Ross as his name to honor my grandfather, William and Brandon's father, Ross. I have been saying since this all started that Will came from strong family genes and that he will be okay, and it didn't occur to me until this morning that his name, William, means strong-willed warrior. Could his name have anymore meaning?
My mom and I arrived to the hospital this morning while Brandon worked and we found out that Will's ultrasound was normal and there was no evidence of any cerebral bleeding! They will repeat the ultrasound on July 5th to make sure that they didn't miss anything in the first test. Will's weight is up to 3 pounds 3 oz and his oxygen was also down to 3 liters and he was on 21% FiO2. For those that are not in the medical field, this is a great sign! The nurse said that his oxygen could be weaned again, but they were holding off since he made such progress yesterday, that they didn't want to rush things today. I was completely fine with that since I don't want to stress him out and set him back. Finally, Will is on his maximum amount of milk volume so they are now adding more calories to fatten him up. He has been tolerating those feeds quite well.
Tonight, Will is going to get a Hep B shot and it is killing me that I am not there to comfort him and hold him, but I know that he is well cared for by the awesome nurses at IMC. I know that Brandon will call tonight to get a weight check and see how he tolerated his shot. Will will definitely get some Mama love tomorrow!
Maria and Brandon: He is such a cutie! I love this last photo, simply adorable. Hope to come see you soon. I made will a present :)