Today, Will is 2 weeks old! I made it in for rounds with his medical team today and they were all positive about his progress even though he needed to go back on his high flow oxygen. The Dr. said that Will was just weaned too fast off the high flow oxygen last week, so this time they would take their time getting him off the high flow. The Dr. was impressed with his weight gain and he wanted to increase the amount of milk per feeding. Will's feedings were increased to 31ml every 3 hours. The milk is still at 27 calories, so it helps him gain more weight. The past 3 nights, Will has gained 2 ounces per night, but tonight that streak came to an end. He didn't gain weight, but he also didn't lose weight. I'm just happy that he is tolerating his feeds so well and not having problems digesting all his milk.
Brandon and I were both able to hold Will today and he did great! He stayed out of his incubator for about an hour and forty-five minutes. When it was my turn to hold Will, I was able to hold him skin to skin which is called Kangaroo care. It is such a neat experience to hold my son chest to chest and have him be so content. He just laid there, looked up at me and seemed so happy.
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