Friday, June 22, 2012

June 22, 2012- 34 weeks

Today Will is 34 weeks!  Originally, the doctors were hoping to keep me on bed rest until this day, but as we all know, that didn't happen.  With Will being 34 weeks, the nurses took the cover off his incubator.  He is now exposed to the light all the time, not just when he is being held.  He needs to get used to his environment and learn his nights and days.  Will seemed to having his incubator uncovered.  He was able to watch the window washers repel from the building and clean all the windows, but he didn't like the construction sounds that were coming from above.  He would jump every time the hammering would start.  
Will was still on 3 Liters today and there were times he was breathing really quickly and really hard.  The doctor wanted to start a new medication that will help with his low cortisol level.  Cortisol is a stress hormone and Will's is barely low.  The doctor wants to give him hydrocortisone, hoping it will increase his cortisol level and his breathing.  Will had his first big does this evening, and then he will have a maintenance dose 3 times per day.  If there is no improvement in his respiratory status in 2 days, the doctor will stop the medication and try to come up with a new plan.  If the medication works and Will is able to wean down on his oxygen, then he will keep the medication for about a week.  It's really hard to not see an improvement in Will's respiratory status.  I am quite frustrated with it, but I have to remember that he is growing and gaining weight and that is a good thing.  
It was also nice to be able to hold Will today.  Brandon and I were able to hold him during his 2pm feeding and we held him for almost an hour and a half.  Will did great while we held him.  His respirations were in normal range and his oxygen saturations were normal.  He seemed so comfortable and content while he slept on us.  I think he knows when we hold him and that we are his parents.  He always seems to calm down when we hold him, and it's awesome to know that we can do that for him.

Brandon called the NICU tonight, and Will gained 40 grams!  He is 3lbs 13 almost 14oz.  He is 20 grams away from 4lbs!!!!!!  At 4lbs, he can come out of his incubator and into an open crib!  Hopefully he can gain that last 20 grams tomorrow night.  Keep your fingers crossed!

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