Monday marked Will's one week birthday! I woke up and was sitting in my rocking chair that we bought for Will when I looked at the clock and realized that it was 6:40am. One week prior, Will had arrived and was already in the competent hands of the NICU staff. I sat in the rocker and reflected on the past week and all of Will's progress. I laughed at the thought of him always sticking his feet out of his swaddle, how he grabs on to all of his cords, and the funny faces that he makes. It made me sad to think of him on those first 2 days with his CPAP, the tube in his mouth and that I couldn't hold him. Then I realized just how far he had come in one week, and that was truly amazing and a miracle.
We headed over to the hospital in the morning to see Will and we were able to meet with the doctor again. He wanted to continue to wean his oxygen, turn off the bili lights and stop his IV fluids. What a plan! Will was also scheduled for a head ultrasound for the day to make sure he didn't have any bleeding in his head. We were there for his ultrasound and Will did great. He didn't have any changes in his vitals or increased oxygen needs while he was being handled by the ultrasound tech. We left after the ultrasound, and came back later in the day.
As I was holding Will, I looked up at Brandon and my mom and told them that I couldn't believe that Will was mine. How in the world did I create this little perfect baby that just came a little too early? He is so handsome, so strong just a little small. How in the world did Brandon and I get so lucky to have this perfect little man? We are truly blessed!
Thanks to the ultrasound gel, this was not our best hair day! His awesome night nurse said she would give him a bath. We will see on Tuesday if we are having a better hair day
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