Today, Brandon and I went to visit Will around 11am. When we entered his room, we found him on his back which he used to hate, and he was breathing easily with his oxygen still on 3 Liters but his percentage of oxygen was in the high 20s not the high 30s like the previous day. We made it in time for rounds, and the doctor said that we are going to stay the course and let Will tell us when he is ready to wean his oxygen. I asked him about letting Will out of his incubator and he said that he likes keeping babies in the incubators because it is more quiet and babies grow better in the box. I told the doctor that Will loves coming out of his box and that he does well when he is being held. The doctor said that as long as Will is doing well, there are no longer restrictions on us holding him. Before we were only allowed to hold Will once per shift and now we can hold him anytime! I was so excited!
Brandon and I held Will this morning for almost 2 hours! Will did really well being held. His oxygen need stayed steady with no increase in oxygen needed and he tolerated his feeds well. It was so awesome to hold my little guy for so long. Brandon and I really thing the new medication has helped Will. When we talked to the nurse practitioner about the new medication, she seemed to think the medication was helping as well. Maybe this is the change that we needed.
Brandon and I went back to see Will this evening. We held him again, and he did well again with us holding him. His oxygen stayed in the 27-29% range on the 3 Liters. This is so much better than the previous days when he has been 35-37% on 3 Liters. I asked the nurse to make sure to only wean his oxygen by a half liter instead of weaning by an entire liter. I think when we weaned his oxygen by an entire liter, it was too much for my little man. I really hope that Will continues to do well with his respiratory status and that we have turned a corner on our way to better days in the NICU.
Now for our weight update... Will weighs 1800 grams! This is just 14 grams short of 4 pounds. I can't believe that he has hit the 1800 gram mark in 19 days especially when he started out at 1400 grams! What a big boy! We are so proud of him!
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