July 7, 2012- The Roller Coaster Continues
The NICU roller coaster continues. This morning Brandon called the NICU to see how Will did overnight. Will did great! He took his full bottle feedings and gained weight! This meant that we were moving on to Stage 2 Day2. Will did great with his feedings. He nursed well and took a bottle from Brandon. His oxygen was stable as well. He is still on 1 Liter with the percentage of oxygen ranging from 22%-25%. Brandon and I keep asking when we can wean the oxygen from 1 Liter, but no one gives us a consistent answer. We have heard that we can wean when the doctor orders it, when Will's oxygen is stable on 21%, when it is stable under 30% and when the nurses think Will is stable enough. We really just want a consistent answer. We can't wait to have our primary nurses back who are really consistent with Will.

We were also hoping that we could complete Stage 2 Day 2 today. While Will has done a great job with his feedings, we are sad to report that he lost 25 grams today. He is back to weighing 4 pounds 13 ounces. So that means tomorrow, we start back with Stage 2 day 2. What a bummer! Let's hope that he can finish Stage 2 tomorrow.
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