July 5, 2012- First Bottle

Will had another great day! He is still on his regular nasal cannula at 1 Liter and his percentage of oxygen was between 26% and 32%, but he mostly stayed around 27-28%. I was able to nurse Will again this morning. Sometimes it is a challenge to get Will to concentrate long enough to latch on and nurse, and today was no different. Between his leads, oxygen tubing and his crazy hands, he is all over the place and everything gets in the way. Plus, my little man wants to nurse when he wants to nurse and the way he wants to nurse. He already has a mind of his own. He can be quite stubborn, but I usually win!

We have established that Will can nurse and nurse well, and now it's time to introduce the bottle. Brandon had the opportunity to feed Will his first bottle! There was a little adjustment period with Brandon and Will getting used to the bottle, but they managed to work things out. Will ate 27ml out of the 36ml that he needed to eat. When he was finished eating, the remainder of the milk went into his tube. The other nice thing is that Will is tolerating his feeds better when he nurses and when he takes the bottle. He doesn't seem to reflux as often and he doesn't seem as restless as when he gets the feed in his tube. If Will can take 2 feedings per shift for 2 days, then he can move on to stage 3. We are hoping that Will can complete stage 2 sometime this weekend. The nurse told us this afternoon, that for the first bottle feed, Will did a great job! Brandon and I are so proud of his progress. We are hoping to have him home sometime soon!
Will also had another head ultrasound. He had one ultrasound a week and a half after he was born and this was his 30 day follow up. Like the first ultrasound, this one look perfect with no bleeds noted and no brain abnormalities noted. YAY! Also today, Will gained weight! He gained 25 grams for a total of 2200 grams. This equals out to almost 4 pounds 14 ounces. I think Will can reach 5 pounds this weekend. Brandon and I are happy with the 25 gram weight. We think that a steady 20-25 gram weight gain each night will be better than the whopping 85 grams weight gain that he had two nights in a row prior to a weight loss. Let's hope he can keep up the consistent weight gain!
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