My wonderful husband has the biggest heart and while we were in the NICU with Will, he had the grand idea to head up a fundraiser to raise money for the Common Bonds parent group in the NICU. Below is a link to the news piece that aired tonight about Common Bonds and the fundraiser.
I know I don't always say it, but I am so proud of my husband! It's been a crazy two months since we've been home from the NICU and with this fundraiser and I haven't made it easy on Brandon, but I am so proud to be married to the man with a huge heart. I hope the fundraiser raises a lot of money for Common Bonds so parents in the NICU will be well cared for, just like us!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
September 4, 2012- 3 Months Old Today!
Today, Will is 3 months old! Where has the time gone? I can't believe that I have a 3 month old baby and he has changed so so much. Brandon and I took Will to the zoo yesterday, and we had a great time! Will is so much more awake now, and he really seemed to enjoy the fresh air at the zoo. We took him out of his stroller to show him the animals and while I know he didn't know what he was looking at, he really seemed to be happy just hanging out with us outside.
Brandon and I have been talking about our adventure over the past 3 months. We could never have prepared ourselves for our wild ride, but we would never change it. I really think that this experience has made us better parents and it has brought our marriage closer as well. I don't think a couple can make it through the NICU without each other. Brandon was my rock while we were in the NICU and he still is my rock. Will and I are so lucky to have him and Brandon and I are so lucky to have Will. Will is our little miracle and he makes my life complete. He is the best baby and we love watching him grow everyday and reach new milestones. I can't wait to see him grow up, but in the same breath, I don't want him to grow up too fast. I want him to be my sweet little preemie forever!
Saturday, September 1, 2012
September 1, 2012- Itty Bitty update
Will is almost 13 weeks and he is one month adjusted today! I can't believe how big Will is getting! He is 7lbs 11oz and 19 11/16in and off all his meds except his vitamin! He is starting to really focus on me and on Brandon. He looks right at our faces and sometimes he will smile at us. It is truly the best feeling to see him smile. Will is also really really active! He loves to kick his legs and move his arms. He lays on his play mat and his blanket and just kicks up a storm. He loves to move. This should not come as a surprise to me since he was so active in my belly! I love watching all of Will's changes. He is such an amazing baby and I am so in love with him that there aren't words to describe it. I look down at my sweet baby and I still can't believe that I am his mom!
I've been back to work for two weeks now which is one reason I haven't been as good about updating the blog. The first week was hard, but leaving him with my awesome husband made it easier. Brandon knows how to feed Will, how to give him his meds (although he is off all but the vitamin) and he even gets him dressed everyday I am gone. I try and work my 12 hour days on Sunday day and Thursday night. My other days are half days and I work around Brandon's schedule. As my days away how added up, I am starting to have the mom guilt associated with a working mom. Although, I know that Will is well cared for, it's not me doing the work and I feel completely guilty for being gone. At first I thought it would be easier to leave because I was used to leaving him since he was in the NICU, but it is really really hard to be away. As I said, I feel so guilty that I have to work. I feel like Will won't remember be when I am gone for 12 hours and that he will only be comforted by Brandon and not by me. I know that I have a lot of guilt because I had him early and now my working mom guilt is piling on. Brandon keeps telling me that it wasn't my fault that Will came early and that Will is doing okay while I'm gone. But still, the mommy guilt is there. Hopefully, one day I can move past the guilt, but I think it will be a while.
On a happier note, Will has enjoyed his first college football weekend. Brandon has requested that Will have one favorite college team and one favorite NFL team. I am from Tennessee so Will is a Tennessee fan and Brandon is a HUGE Buffalo Bills fan and he would like Will to be a Bills fan for the NFL. As you can imagine, I am agreeable to the the Tennessee part of the deal, but I am having a hard time letting Will be a Bills fan and not a Redskins fan ( I was actually born in Maryland and have been a Redskins fan since birth). I guess marriage is all about compromise, and I will compromise on this, but maybe just maybe Will will end up in a Redskins shirt sometime this season!
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