Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 17, 2012- Learning to be at home

Well, we've been home since Friday afternoon, and we are still getting used to being home.  I told Brandon the other day, that I still feel like someone will call us and tell us that we need to bring Will back and that he isn't supposed to be home yet.  It is very surreal to have him home.  
Will has adjusted well to being at home.  He is eating well and gaining weight.  When we went to the doctor yesterday, Will had gained 5 ounces since Friday.  Will is also sleeping in 3-4 hour time blocks.  This, I have to thank the NICU for training Will to eat that often.  We are very lucky to have him on that kind of schedule.  Also, Will doesn't cry that often.  He definitely will express his displeasure with his diaper changes and that he is hungry.  After we acknowledge his issue, he is a happy and content baby.

 Will also tolerates the dogs.  The dogs are very funny with him.  They always walk over to his pack and play to see if he is in there and what he is doing.  Every morning, they come with me into the nursery to see if Will is awake and they love to sniff his head as a way of saying 'Good morning'.  Our boy beagle, Bonez, gets very upset when Will cries and he wants to make sure that he is okay and that we aren't torturing him.  Our girl beagle, Harley, likes to come over and lay by me when I am holding Will and she likes to check on him in his bed.  She is like a little mama.  
As each day passes, I am truly reminded how lucky I am to have such a wonderful healthy baby and that we could have had a rougher and longer stay in the NICU.  I can't wait to see what each day brings for this little man!


  1. I'm so glad you guys are doing so well! Congrats again and it will be neat to check on his progress!

  2. It def gets some getting use to! glad to hear he is thriving and the doggies are adjusting well :)
